New York
These are a collection of photos taken during my three week stay in New York City in the Spring of 2007. New York had long been a place I had really wanted to visit, and it was amazing and unique in a way that was so different from what I had thought it would be through my dreams and most fanciful, romanticized wonderings. I stayed in the far south of Harlem on the West Side of Manhattan, close to Riverside Park and Columbia University. I travelled around getting lost in the magic of the city and given shooting tips and advice from Steve Simon ( Visiting museums, restaurants, parks, boardwalks, and all of the places that had held such a mysterious power on the big screen in my youth was truly an amazing experience. Like everything, the city changes it's face a thousand times depending on the angle you look at it. These photos, for me, represent a more reflective, sombre, and perhaps self-aware side to the city, but represent just one of the many masks I saw the city adorn while I was there.